Thursday 7 February 2008

Process 1.

We watched a german tv programme about obesity called Quarks. Some of the issues in the programme was, fat school food, babies that are breastfed is less likely to get obese further on in life, than babies that are bottlefed, 1/3 to 1/2 of the tested children was unable to do simple physical exercises, and thing called the vicious circle where children of obese parents is likely to adopt their parents bad eating habbits.
We talked about the facts in the programme and came up with 6 diferent directions/target groups we thought could be interesting to work with. After a vote we decided that our general target group should be "children with obese parents - the vicious circle". 
Our method is to go to a school, talk to pupils, ask them about their food habbits, what they do in their free time and what their parents do for a living. Then pinpoint 2-3 children ask their parents for permission to talk further and visit their home.
The questions that we want to answer are: 
  • How can one break the vicious circle?
  • What makes children move?
  • How does the parents abillities to socialize affect the childrens abillities to build up social contacts (both on personal level and broader society level)?
  • What is the connection between social behaviour and general lifestyle?

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